Guernsey Press

Proposed improvements to northern roads welcomed

GUERNSEY Road Users Network has welcomed proposed improvements to northern roads in the Better Transport Plan, as the deadline for public responses looms.

The junction between Route Militaire, Saltpans Road and Les Sauvagees in St Sampson's. It is proposed in the Better Transport Plan that Les Sauvagees become one-way eastbound. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 33375827)

But it was noted that limiting some roads to just residents would push more traffic onto main roads.

Living Streets, Guernsey Bicycle Group, the Better Journey Project, the Health Improvement Commission and the Guernsey Motor Trades Association have all commented on the plans, which aim to ensure St Sampson’s and Vale roads are ready to cope with hundreds more homes planned for derelict glasshouse sites.

Dani Bennett from pedestrian group Living Streets said the Better Transport Plan was a great opportunity to make improvements.

‘Yes there might be niggles to resolve here and there in the plan during the consultation, but let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water – absolutely we want safer roads,’ she said.

The plans include improving junctions and the bus network and more footpaths, as well as ruettes des habitants, which will limit streets to allow just access to properties.

Guernsey Motor Trades Association president Robert Cornelius said this last idea would push traffic onto larger, arterial roads.

He added that for cars to be most economical, they need to avoid start-stop conditions, like traffic lights.

He highlighted that Bulwer Avenue was 35mph, with only one set of traffic lights and no bus service.

Nearby Grandes Maisons Road was more likely to have start-stop traffic.

‘This is because there are a couple of give-ways, a regular bus service meaning there is a high chance of waiting due to there being no bus pull- ins, and it’s a road used more frequently by cyclists and is a residential area,’ he said.

‘Using Bulwer Avenue would then mean they are more likely to achieve a more consistent speed which equals burning less fuel and emitting less emissions.

'It is important that when considering the Better Transport Plan that all types of road use in the plan are thought about because different users have different needs.’

Better Journey Project’s Barrie Duerden welcomed the initiative.

‘The emphasis on active travel is very welcome as it avoids building more arterial roads, which would be extremely costly, would necessitate compulsory purchase of land and demand more land given over for parking,’ he said.

‘It is clear that there is an increasing appetite by those that can, to travel more efficiently and actively and the Better Transport Plan is aimed at making provision for safer conditions for pedestrians and cyclists which will serve to help those wanting to make this transition for the good of all islanders, particularly those living in the north of the island.’

The Health Improvement Commission is also supporting the plan. It said it would enable and encourage more people to be more active more often.

  • To view the proposals visit To comment email Comments must be submitted by Sunday.