Guernsey Press

More than 10% of islanders taking mental health meds

More than 10% of islanders are on mental health drugs, the Bailiwick Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2023 Annual Report has shown.

Last updated
(Picture from PA Images)

The document collated data from across the population and is the first report since the revised strategy was launched last year. It aims to provide a baseline.

It showed there were 87,000 prescriptions for five common mental health drugs last year. This equated to about 6,700 people.

The most common was sertraline hydrochloride, which treats depression, with more than 2,200 taking the drug.

Looking at the age-standardised rate for suicides and injury of undetermined intent for Guernsey, the number has more than doubled from seven per 100,000 in 2013-15 to 15 per 100,000 in 2019-21.

This is higher than that of England and Wales – 10 per 100,000 for 2021 – as well as Jersey, at nine per 100,000 for 2018-2020.

However, due to the small numbers involved compared with places such as the UK, the report stated the increase was not statistically significant.

‘This increasing trend is however of concern, with every death by suicide having a far-reaching impact on our small community.’

Three quarters of suicides and injuries of undetermined intent affected men.

The report also noted there had been a 10% increase in outpatient referrals to the Adult Specialist Mental Health Services last year, up to 1,677, with the service also reporting an increase in complexity of cases.

Referrals to the Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services also increased by 14% to nearly 700.

While the total occupied bed days for admission to the adult mental health special ward – Crevichon Ward – decreased slightly over the last year, admissions associated with cannabis use rose from 4% in 2019 to 25% in 2023.

Director of Public Health Dr Nicola Brink said having a ‘whole islands’ approach to mental health and wellbeing is key and considering mental health and wellbeing in all policies will help address the social, economic and environmental factors that impact people’s mental health and wellbeing.