Guernsey Press

Couple who honeymooned in Guernsey back to celebrate diamond anniversary

A UK couple, who spent their honeymoon in Guernsey 60 years ago, have returned to the island as part of celebrations for their diamond wedding anniversary.

Diamond wedding couple Richard and Rita Lewis from Rushden in Northamptonshire, at Moores Hotel. (Picture by Erin Vaudin, 33383420)

Richard and Rita Lewis, 81 and 80 respectively, who live in Rushden in Northamptonshire, were married on 12 September 1964 at Higham Ferrers Methodist Church, and travelled to Guernsey for the first time later that same day via Southampton airport.

They have subsequently returned more than 20 times and are staying at Moores Hotel on this particular occasion, deciding to come in July rather than September due to the longer days and warmer weather.

While the couple now have a big soft spot for the island, Mr Lewis said that was not the case when it came to booking their honeymoon.

‘I have no idea how we managed to find out about Guernsey, to be honest. I think we both wanted to get out of the UK, but weren’t sure where we wanted to go.

‘I must have just stumbled across an advert or something. Looking back now, I’m so glad I did.’

The couple first met as teenagers in Rushden through family connections, and began dating.

Some of their most memorable dates, Mrs Lewis said, were visits to the pictures, although not all of her personal recollections were happy ones.

‘One time we went to see Dracula and it was absolutely terrifying. I had to get my dad to meet me off the bus afterwards,’ she said.

After spending more time together and attending many social events, including as members of Rushden & District Query Motorcycle Club, Mr Lewis asked his then-girlfriend to marry him around Christmas 1963.

‘I asked her if she wanted me to buy her a wedding ring for Christmas,’ he said.

‘He asked my dad first and he actually said no initially. It took a bit of convincing,’ Mrs Lewis added.


The couple’s two-week honeymoon in Guernsey saw them stay at the Pandora Hotel and hire a Morris Minor convertible to travel around the island in.

‘I remember we did a lot of walking, and seeing Fermain Bay was a particular highlight from what I can remember,’ Mrs Lewis said.

‘We also had a day in Jersey, but we both definitely preferred Guernsey.’

They did not visit again until 1983, by which time they were parents to three children – Samantha, Jonathan and Sarah.

‘That time we stayed at The Albany because the kids wanted a pool to swim in,’ Mr Lewis said.

‘Sarah actually ended up doing a gap year in Guernsey working at the OGH because of how much she loved the island.’


When asked what it was about Guernsey that kept enticing them back year after year, Mrs Lewis said the couple enjoyed the proximity to the sea compared to their Rushden home, as well as the bus rides around the island.

‘Staying in St Peter Port means we can go walking along the sea front or to Candie Gardens or Castle Cornet without too much fuss, even if our knees don’t allow us to walk as far these days,’ she said.

And as for the secret to 60 successful years of marriage?

‘Spending some time apart and having your own space from time to time,’ Mr Lewis said.

‘Knowing when to walk away from an argument and saving your energy,’ Mrs Lewis added.

‘My daughter Sarah works in mental health so she will be pleased to hear me say that.’