Guernsey Press

Full-Boar members throw a party for its first 25 years

The Full-Boar Motor Cycle Club invited the island to celebrate its 25th anniversary on Saturday with a bike show and party.

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Full-Boar MC vice-president Shane Rosamond, left, and Phil Page, its sergeant at arms. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 33416668)

The event at the Northerners Athletic Club went on from noon to midnight with live music going on into the night.

Vice-president Shane Rosamond was one of the club’s founder members.

‘I was 21 when we started,’ he said. ‘A few of us were members of a Harley Davidson Club which was affiliated to a club in Europe, but we were going to the UK more so we started our own club.’

‘The club is all about motorbikes, socialising and getting away. Everyone in the club rides a Harley, except for me. My main bike is a 1700cc Triumph,’ he said.

‘A few of us are off to Switzerland in September, three days riding out and one day there.’

The club used to put on the Hogwash bike show but this was its first public event for a number of years.

‘Our 25th anniversary is actually in October but we thought we would put the party on to celebrate when we have some summer sunshine.’

He said that the name Full-Boar was just a term that cropped up when they started up.

‘I think it came from the idea of riding flat out, and was a name associated with hunting and already used in the names of a few motorcycles.’

Among the non-members who had come along to have a look at the bikes and enjoy the music were holidaymakers Brenda and Dave Murray.

‘We just saw it on a flyer and thought we would take a look,’ said Mr Murray.

‘I have to admit to being more of a car person but the bikes are very impressive.

‘I live in Scotland so I don’t think I’ll be applying to join – the two-year initiation would prove a bit too much of a commute.’


Becoming a Full-Boar member is not easy.

Firstly any applicant must be male, have at least a 600cc motorbike and have a full driving licence.

There is a joining process which lasts at least two years, in which those applying are known as ‘prospects’ and allowed to take part in club events.

At the end of that period a ‘prospect’ must get voted in by 100% of the current membership.

Anyone voting against a prospect must justify their reasoning.

Shane Rosamond estimates only about 60% of candidates make the grade, and if turned down there is no chance to reapply.

Afterwards there is no special initiation or ceremonies, but only once accepted are they allowed to wear the full Full-Boar MC insignia.

The club does not divulge how many people are members.