Community Foundation and States launch separate surveys
Two surveys about Guernsey life have been launched by two separate bodies in the same week.

The States has launched a survey seeking to understand more about how people spend their time, either in work or in the community, in order to inform its research about participation in work.
On the same day Guernsey Community Foundation also unveiled its own survey, part-funded by the States, posing the wide-ranging question of what it was like to live in Guernsey.
The GCF survey asks respondents a range of questions which include how satisfied they are with Guernsey life, how connected they feel to the rest of society, whether they are experiencing stress, and what they would change to make local life better.
‘The foundation was set up specifically to improve the quality of life in Guernsey, especially for those most in need,’ said Foundation chief executive Jim Roberts.
‘But until now, we’ve never asked people to tell us about their quality of life, and what could be done to improve it.
'We want to know what it’s like to live here, the extent to which islanders think their needs are met, and what would make their lives better.
'And we want to hear from as many people as possible.’
Anyone aged 16 and over and living in Guernsey is welcome to complete the survey.
The States survey asks questions about responsibilities like caring and looking after children, as well as how many hours people work.
Senior economist Liz Laine said the States was always looking to improve its understanding of island life.
‘With this survey we are seeking to understand the factors that could be barriers to some members of our community working as much as they might like to,’ she explained.
‘We are interested in hearing about your experience, regardless of whether you would like to work more, or less, than you are currently able; or perhaps you are looking to change your work-life balance; or you are struggling to find an appropriate role.
'This information will be used alongside our existing workforce statistics, to give us a much richer view of how people are engaging with employment in Guernsey.’
The GCF survey can be completed at The States survey can be completed at