Guernsey Press

Retiring Capelles caretaker Terry will miss pupils’ smiles

Seeing pupils smile after helping them will be what a Hautes Capelles primary school caretaker of 29 years misses most in his retirement.

Hautes Capelles caretaker Terry Martel is retiring after 29 years at the school. (33432468)

Terry Martel, 64, was given a rousing send-off at the school last week at a special ‘Tea with Terry’ event, which was attended by pupils, staff members and parents.

Mr Martel joined Hautes Capelles in 1995 having fancied a career change from his job in the meat industry.

‘I’d been in the meat line for many years and wanted to do something new,’ he said.

‘I was reading the Press one Friday afternoon and saw an advert for the role of assistant caretaker at Hautes Capelles.’

‘I sent in my CV, had an interview and that was it.’

In each of his positions – from assistant caretaker to his current job as site supervisor – Mr Martel’s main responsibility has always been looking after and ensuring the upkeep of the school, which he said had been an incredibly varied role.

‘Day to day it’s dealing with any breakages or damage, and then it’s also making sure the school is prepared for any private hire events, such as when the police have brought their dogs onto the main field.

‘I’ve seen all sorts of people and different aspects of school life.’

He gained a huge amount of satisfaction from being able to assist pupils with any problems they may have been experiencing.

‘There was one occasion where a boy had broken his hula hoop and asked me to fix it,’ he said.

‘I went to find him a replacement hoop and the look on his face when I gave him the new one was priceless.

‘He said “you’re amazing Terry”.

‘There was another girl whose doll’s house I repaired.

'Again the expression on her face when she saw it was fixed was just amazing.’

‘I’ve also had Reception pupils telling me they want me to be their teacher.

‘Those are the sorts of things I will miss most.’

In his retirement, Mr Martel said he was looking forward to spending time with his grandchildren and going on holiday, as well as enjoying a property he had recently bought.

‘I’m certainly in a better position now than I was earlier in my life,’ he said.

‘I’ve had a good career and worked with a great bunch of people, it’s definitely emotional leaving, but all in all it’s been a pleasure.’