Guernsey Press

WATCH: Suitably attired for ‘Port Soiffice’ charity dip

Ties, suits and waistcoats were the beachwear dress code for Sunday’s Port Soiffice charity fundraiser.

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The Port Soifice charity fundraiser saw everyone dress up in office attire and jump into the sea to raise money for Guernsey Chest & Heart. (Picture by Erin Vaudin, 33440271)

The event saw people jumping in for a swim in office attire.

This was the 10th year the event has been held. It was due to take place on Saturday night, but torrential rain forced the event to be postponed to Sunday evening.

Fortunately it was sunny on Sunday evening, and about 40 people turned out.

The event was organised by Tristan Boscher. He had what he described as his ‘cardiac adventure’ four years ago, despite being a fit and active 42-year-old, and ended up having a triple heart by-pass.

When he recovered he took up swimming regularly. That inspired him to use this year’s event to raise money for Guernsey Chest & Heart.

‘Guernsey Chest & Heart is so important,’ he said.

‘People should have regular check-ups.’

He has worn the same Marks & Spencer suit every year for the swim. Even after a decade of dunkings, the suit still looks to be in quite good condition.

‘It’s very durable,' Mr Boscher said.

In previous years the group has brought down office equipment, but this year an old office phone was the only fun prop.

Also donning the formal gear was Ian Wood. In daily life he is a milk retailer, so is usually in quite relaxed attire. But on Sunday night he turned up in a full suit, bowler hat and a newspaper under one arm. He was even wearing braces under his suit jacket. It was his first time taking part in the swim.

‘I got the suit from the charity shop four years ago, so this is a good way to reuse it,’ he said.

Kevin Sparkes, who works in IT, also does not wear a suit very often, and his M&S suit looked a little worse for wear.

‘It’s a bit mouldy on the shoulders,’ he said.

‘I haven’t swum in clothes since school.’

Only a couple of people took part in last year’s swim. So this year’s event was publicised with popular outdoor swimming group Guernsey Swim All Seasons, and members turned out in force.

Committee member Sue Duport was originally going to miss the swim, as she was on holiday in Portugal. But she was able to make the rescheduled date and donned a floral dress as her ‘office’ attire.

‘I chose it as it was quite lightweight,’ she said.

Mrs Duport added that it was lovely to see everyone dressed up ‘smart’, but it was quite strange to see them all dressed.