Guernsey Press

Family celebrate 100th birthday with Dorothy

Guernsey-born Dorothy Leale celebrated her 100th birthday at the weekend.

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Dorothy Leale celebrated her 100th birthday on Saturday. (Picture by Erin Vaudin, 33443183)

Mrs Leale celebrated her birthday with four generations of her family on Saturday – including her five children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren – and with her fellow residents at Chateau Du Village Nursing Home.

‘The celebrations have been over a few days,’ said her son Mark.

‘We all came here as she has dementia and is not well enough to go out, but they made her a cake here.

‘She received bouquets of flowers from the team here at the home and Queen's Road Medical Practice, as well as cards from Government House, the Bailiff’s Chambers and of course the King and Queen.

‘As a family we would like to thank everyone at the nursing home – it has really been lovely, not just today but all the time, they call her granny here.’

Remarkably, even at 100, Mrs Leale is not the home's oldest resident.

Chateau Du Village is the home of multiple centenarians, with the oldest being 103.

‘It’s remarkable to see,’ said Mr Leale.