Guernsey Press

Safety plea to paddleboarders using island’s bays

ISLANDERS and visitors are being warned to take more care in the sea when on paddleboards and inflatables.

Sports Commission outdoor and adventure sports development officer Alan Jenner at Pembroke Bay. (Picture by Erin Vaudin, 33477762)

Sports Commission outdoor and adventure sports development officer Alan Jenner said he was seeing far too many adults and children without the proper equipment in the water.

‘We want everyone to have fun but there are some things we must remember,’ he said.

‘If kids, especially, are going out on stand-up paddleboards, they must wear a buoyancy aid. There’s no excuses. And on a SUP always wear a leash. If something happens then stay with the board – unless it’s sinking.’

He warned anyone using equipment of this type should be particularly careful with offshore winds.

‘If the wind is forcing you out to sea, please do not go out,’ he said.

‘Kids, especially, should be nowhere near a SUP or anything else that floats on an offshore wind.’

Mr Jenner said that the UK coastguard had seen a 300% increase in incidents involving paddleboards and inflatables in the last few years.

‘If you’re going out on a SUP, please make sure you know the basics. Knowing how to turn is a basic skill, but if you’re not sure what to do then it can turn into a major problem. Just take one lesson with anyone who knows their stuff.’

He added that paddleboarders should also always have a form of communication, either a whistle or a phone in a waterproof case.

While the interview took place at Pembroke Bay, the Guernsey Press watched two people on a paddleboard – one a young child and neither wearing a lifejacket, struggling to make it back to shore in a stiff breeze that was pushing them away from safety.

‘This is exactly what I am talking about,’ said Mr Jenner.

‘I am on this beach three days a week giving lessons and this week alone I have counted 26 separate cases on people on SUPs without the proper equipment.’

‘Tragedy is just around the corner. Please don’t let it be you, your family or your friends. If in doubt, just ask, or don’t go out.’