Guernsey Press

Concerns about smells of gas continue in south of Town

Concerns from residents and businesses about an ongoing smell of gas in Lower Vauvert have been played down by Guernsey Energy.

Last updated
The work started in Lower Vauvert last week and has been described as ‘routine maintenance’ by Guernsey Energy. (Picture by Erin Vaudin, 33477767)

Work started in the road last week, understood to be continuation of work that took place in March and April to repair a gas main.

The company described the current work as ‘routine maintenance’, but the official notes from Traffic & Highway Services explaining the road closure on the States website said that Guernsey Energy engineers were completing final checks on the earlier work and discovered ‘elevated readings’, meaning another excavation needed to be carried out.

The work is due to be completed tomorrow.

The Guernsey Press visited the area on Friday, but was not able to detect any smell of gas.

However, Sitar assistant manager Santosh Kumar said there had been a noticeable smell of gas in the area over the last few days.

But he said the restaurant had been reassured by those working on the site that there was nothing to worry about.

‘They said everything was safe, and that there was not a big leak,’ he said.

‘Apparently a special engineer from the UK has come over to try and find its source.’

Nearby resident Traves Bain, who only moved to the area last month, said the smell of gas worried him.

‘Of course it bothers you, it started around Tuesday,’ he said. ‘I’d say about 10 people have been working on the site.’

Due to working night shifts and sleeping during the day, he expected that he would have missed any knock on his door from an engineer to explain to him what was going on.

A spokesman for Guernsey Energy said that there was no need for people to be alarmed if they smelt gas, and that the company would continue to provide updates on the work via its Facebook page.

Temporary traffic lights have been managing traffic flow.