Guernsey Press

It’s shows time... South set to kick off a month of fun

August will be a month of traditional entertainment with the longstanding agricultural shows starting this week.

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The two-day South Show will see around 1,000 exhibit entries at St Martin’s Community Centre. (Picture by Sophie Rabey, 33479245)

The South, West and North Shows will be taking place throughout the month, with the Donkey Derby also squeezed in the middle of the month.

The opener is the South Show, taking place at St Martin’s Community Centre on Friday and Saturday this week.

Show president Mike Weysom said that the two-day event would see between 900 and 1,000 entries from parishioners of St Peter Port, St Martin’s, St Andrew’s and Forest in the various classes, all displayed to be viewed.

‘We’ll also have a climbing wall which is very popular and the dog show on the Saturday,’ he said.

The Dean of Guernsey the Very Rev. Tim Barker is handing out the cups and trophies to the winners at 6pm on Saturday.

The show is open from 1 to 7pm on Friday and 10am to 6pm on Saturday. While Grande Rue will be closed, there are other routes available to the community centre.

Following up is the West Show at L’Eree Aerodrome. Taking place on Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15 August, there will be plenty to see and do beyond the exhibits, as fairground rides, livestock and live music will all be heading west.

Tickets are available for purchase from Lesbirel’s Vegetable Stall, Magnifique Hair Salon, Smilers, St Peter’s Post Office, Venture Garage and Eleven in Commercial Arcade.

The North Show is the following week on Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22 August.

‘There are some really exciting things that will be happening in the arena, we have a few animal-based acts and there will be live music throughout the days,’ said show president Emma Sarre.

She added that, in conjunction with Autism Guernsey, there will be a quiet hour on the Wednesday from 10am, so that everybody could enjoy the atmosphere and exhibits.

Admission tickets are on sale on the North Show website and at Stan Brouard, RH Gaudion and selected Coop stores.