Guernsey Press

States reopens Grandes Rocques overflow car park

The States has U-turned on the closing off of an area of common used as an overflow car park at Grandes Rocques in the wake of hundreds of signatures on a petition calling for it to reopen.

The overflow car park at Grandes Rocques has been reopened until the end of the summer holidays. (Picture by Erin Vaudin, 33483493)

While the States said that ‘unforeseen delays’ in a re-grassing project was the reason to reopen, others believe that the petition, which has gathered more than 500 signatures, has had an impact.

The space can hold about 30 cars, but was closed earlier this year to enable it to be restored to coastal grassland.

‘The land has been temporarily reopened for use as a seasonal overflow car park until the end of the summer holidays,’ said a States spokesman.

But after that it would be closed permanently, he added.

By mid-afternoon yesterday both the main car park and the overflow were full.

‘That shows there’s a need,’ said kiosk owner David Barlow.

‘It was good of the States to open it up again but they put it there for a reason.’

When the overflow section was blocked off there was chaos, particularly in great weather last week.

‘Last week people were parking in the butcher’s and the bistro car parks,’ Mr Barlow said.

‘They were determined.’

Cars were parked along the access road and around the triangle by the bus stop.

‘An ambulance wouldn’t have been able to get in and even if it had, it wouldn’t have been able to get out again,’ said Mr Barlow. ‘Today it’s much more civilised.

‘We owe a big thank you to Bill and Margaret,’ he added, referring to the Mastertons, who launched a petition calling for the reopening, which gathered 513 signatures.

But he said that one factor which added to the parking problem was that dog walkers were allowed to take their animals onto the beach in the summer, since it is one of the few that remains open to dogs all year round.

Mr Barlow did not think closing the overflow again would be a good idea.

‘Next year it’s going to be carnage.’

Regular Grandes Rocques user Christine Ceillam was just leaving the beach having found a spot in the main car park.

‘Last week I had a lot of trouble,’ she said. ‘It was a struggle.

‘I think I squeezed into a space and we had to squeeze out of the car.’

She welcomed the reopening of the overflow section.

‘It’s a very positive thing, definitely.’

Making his first visit of the year to Grandes Rocques was Raymond Urquhart, who found a space in the overflow section.

‘I’m just here for a swim and an ice cream,’ he said.

‘But if this section hadn’t been open I’d have just turned around and left.’

Without the overflow he did not think there was sufficient parking for such a popular beach.

‘I’ve seen people parking down the middle of this section. It’s a decent car park and it needs to be open.

‘I’m not surprised at the success of the petition.’

The States confirmed it still planned to push ahead with its plans for grassland on the area after the summer holidays.

‘This latest restoration project will boost the biodiversity of the area and provide a link for nature between the end of the headland and other nearby areas of coastal grassland,’ a spokesman said.