Castle family keeping with swim tradition
THREE generations of the Castle family are set to take on a namesake swim on Sunday and continue a family tradition.

The family featured on the front page of Guernsey Press 30 years ago, and it was that image that sparked off the idea of a new generation taking on the 500-metre Castle Swim across Havelet Bay.
The picture showed the late Peter Castle, with son Brian and grandson Matt.
This year, Matt’s daughter, eight-year-old Faye, will join in for the first time.
‘My grandad found an old photo of when they swam, from the newspaper, and showed it to me. It was nice to see a picture of my great-grandad,’ said Faye.
‘This is the first year I have been brave enough and good enough at swimming to do it.
‘I swam 30 bays in 30 days in the summer holidays with my friends from Guernsey Swimming Club.
‘My friends from the club encouraged me to try it and I am looking forward to doing it with my family.’
Matt said that he had done the Castle Swim once as an adult about five years ago, but reckoned that he took part in five other Castle Swims as a child.
‘My grandpa [Peter] was a keen swimmer and played lots of waterpolo. He is in one of the team photos at the new cafe at the Bathing Pools,’ he said.
‘He moved here from the south of England and was always in the water in his spare time.
'Dad [Brian] helped out lots at the Guernsey Swimming Club, timekeeping and watching me and my three sisters.
‘Now, Faye is a keen swimmer and usually goes three or four times per week. She loves the water and for her age has got to be one of the best swimmers – she’s definitely got the ability and confidence to do the Castle Swim.
‘This year will be a great opportunity for the three of us to do something and for the important purpose of raising money for three invaluable charities.’
Brian said that he had completed the Castle Swim a dozen times, and when he was younger, would try to complete it faster each time.
‘When my four children came along, Matt, Sophie, Ellie and Lorna, I’d swim with them, but I soon gave up when I couldn’t keep up with them,’ he said.
‘It would be lovely to think that 30 years from now, Matt might be doing the swim with Faye and his grandchild. As regards this year, I just hope I can keep up with Faye.
‘But if Matt decides to repeat the three generation swim in 30 years time, I might sit that one out – I’ll be coming up to 100.’