New documentary about Alderney occupation being made for Sky TV
A NEW documentary focusing on what happened in Alderney during the Second World War is being made for the Sky History channel.

Hitler’s British Island has been commissioned by documentary makers A+E Networks and the two-part series ‘will shed new light on the true extent of the horrors that unfolded on the Channel Island of Alderney’ during that time, the company said in announcing the project, including 'the true extent' of the 'Nazi-inflicted horrors'.
The documentary is also planned to include revelations of ‘definitive proof’ of the scale of the brutality against prisoners by the SS and evidence of ‘a potential mass grave on the island’.
It will also look at the fate of Transport 641, which was involved in carrying hundreds of Jews from a French internment camp to Alderney.
The programmes will also examine ‘the cover-up of the true fate of Major Carl Hoffman’, who was the commandant of the island during the Occupation.
It is being produced by Blink Films and GroupM Motion Entertainment with Andy Webb the producer and director – he previously worked on a documentaries covering the scandal involving Martin Bashir’s interview with Princess Diana.
Executive producers are former New Statesman and Jewish Chronicle political editor Martin Bright, and journalist Antony Barnett, who has fronted more than 60 programmes in Channel 4’s Dispatches series.
A crew was in Alderney earlier this year and the programmes are now being put together.
Mr Bright said that the programme was ‘a straight, down-the-line history documentary'.
‘Andy [Webb] and Blink’s intention is that this will be the definitive take.’