Guernsey Press

St Peter Port douzeniers ‘feel let down’ over accounts delays

St Peter Port douzeniers felt ‘let down, disappointed and responsible’ that parish accounts for St Peter Port have failed to be published and approved for the past three years, its constable has said.

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St Peter Port Senior Constable Dianne Mitchell. (Picture By Peter Frankland, 33515805)

The douzaine met to discuss the issue on Tuesday evening, following the resignation of senior constable Zoe Lihou at the end of last week. The last set of audited accounts published by the parish were from 2020, published in November 2021.

Mrs Lihou stepped down from the role on Friday citing personal matters and accepting her role in not meeting the legal requirements for finalising the accounts.

Diane Mitchell, who was elected just a few weeks ago, is now acting as senior constable. She has taken on the responsibility of dealing with the accounts.

‘We are managing – in terms of morale, we are trying to keep a positive atmosphere for the douzeniers,’ Mrs Mitchell said yesterday.

‘They were disappointed, they felt responsible and let down as they had done the right thing, and could not have done more to enquire about why the accounts had not been done.’

Nearly all of the douzaine members were present at the meeting. Mrs Lihou had been eligible to attend as a douzenier, but has said she was making herself unavailable for the next few weeks.

Mrs Mitchell confirmed that the douzaine had engaged accountants Lince Salisbury to audit the outstanding accounts.

The firm carried out that role for the 2020 accounts.

‘They have been absolutely brilliant, there is continuity there from 2020 and they are going to work as fast as they can,’ she said.

‘When you are in a role such as constable, you have the trust of the public and I was conscious about sorting the accounts even before I got into the post, but I have a fabulous team around me [now] and we are working on it.’

It is hoped that the sets of accounts will be ready for approval at the parish elections meeting in November. It is not clear whether the parish will attempt to elect a new constable in the meantime.