Guernsey Press

Animals get in on the act at the North Show

Interaction with the crowds is what Phill Gibbons says his performances are all about at this year’s North Show.

Phill Gibbons was performing with his Turkey Vulture called Gobble and Roxy the dog. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 33530352)

The man behind animal acts Ringside Falconry and Little Nippers said that getting children out from the crowds to help him with his acts was the best part about his performances.

‘It’s what my show is, bringing the kids into help, and they love it.

‘Not every kid has a dog at home so they just love it,’ he said.

Mr Gibbons has travelled from the UK with his six terriers and a vulture for the North Show.

In his Little Nippers act, Mr Gibbons showed the crowd what his dogs could do as they followed an electric lure and raced over obstacles.

In this the crowd are welcomed into the arena with their own dogs to have a go.

‘The crowds have been fantastic, we’ve just had someone come in and have a go with their dog and getting all the kids in too, they were all great,’ said Mr Gibbons.

Ringside Falconry gave visitors to the North Show a chance to get up close with the vulture and handle it as well as watch it in flying demonstrations.

‘We’ve been doing a fly-around and he has been landing on people,’ said Mr Gibbons.