Clear-up operation after successful North Show
THIS year’s North Show has been dubbed a success by organisers who have received positive feedback despite the weather.

The two-day show welcomed thousands of islanders and visitors, who enjoyed a variety of entertainment and activities.
‘It seems like it went really well, especially with rain in the afternoon,’ said North Show committee president Emma Sarre.
‘In the evening there were loads of people here, especially in front of the stage listening to the Big Band Collective.
‘The crowds were buzzing for the fireworks as well.’
North Show committee members and volunteers arrived back at Saumarez Park yesterday as early as 7am to get the clear-up in motion, after finishing at midnight the night before.
Some members started clearing up when the show closed on Thursday to get ahead.
The team at Dhaka stuck around to help after packing away their food stall.
The Battle of Flowers once again had more than 40 entries, including some latecomers.
‘All of it is a highlight for me, carrying on through the rain and everyone still came along and it was still busy,’ said Mrs Sarre.
‘The Battle of Flowers was really good and I’ve received some really great feedback from people saying there was lots of families and lots to do.
‘We didn’t have as many of the big floats, but a positive thing for us is that we’ve had quite a lot of new entries and new families starting, so they started smaller and will grow in size, but they’ve said they’ll be back next year.’
The committee hoped to have the entire show packed away by the end of yesterday so that could enjoy the weekend.