Guernsey Press

Horse bolted at Vazon after impatient road user sped off

ROAD users are being urged to be patient when they come across riders on horses, following an incident at Vazon which police are now investigating.

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Julie Prow and Atlas Edmunds with their horse, Rupert. (Picture by Erin Vaudin, 33557320)

Rider Atlas Edmunds, 23, said that the horse they were riding, Rupert, was typically very good in traffic and was used to passing lorries, tractors and motorbikes.

‘My ride with Rupert started out fine but he became agitated. The guy driving the car just sped off. Rupert didn’t begin to trot or canter, he full-on galloped,’ they said.

‘I tried to get him onto the grass to calm down but he would have had to jump. I fell off and landed on my arm and smacked my lower back on the wall. He could have run into the road and got hit by another car.

‘Even if a horse isn’t spooked, people should just stop completely and wait for the horse, and then go. Even when you’re past, they can still hear what’s behind them. If that guy waited, Rupert wouldn’t have bolted.’

They said they were feeling sore from the incident, but that it could have been worse.

‘It hasn’t deterred me from riding. It’s not his fault,’ said Atlas.

Their mother Julie Prow said she was not sure how the incident would affect their rides.

‘I take Rupert out in the morning before work and Atlas takes him out in the afternoons – he’s very good in traffic.’

‘Atlas is autistic and so doesn’t always know what to do in social situations. I don’t know how or if this will affect their rides,’ said Mrs Prow.

The incident took place at about 2.45pm near Richmond Kiosk last Thursday.

Police are looking to speak to the driver of the vehicle, any witnesses, and anybody who may have dash cam or CCTV footage.

n Anybody with information should contact PC 28 Matt Shields on 01481 222 222 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.