Noah, 8, wins sports equipment for his school
A PUPIL at La Mare de Carteret Primary School has won a cash prize to go towards sports equipment for his school.

Eight-year-old Noah Duckworth participated in a number of sports during the Utmost Community Sports Fun Day at the start of September, which was organised by the Guernsey Sports Commission. There were 20 sports available on the day, and children were entered into a draw to win £500 to go towards their school’s sports equipment.
‘Noah is able to decide, with our PE teachers and Sports Commission staff, what equipment he would like to see at the school,’ said deputy head Juliet Ford.
‘One of our priorities is ensuring that our shared outdoor spaces are fully inclusive and a safe and happy space to spend time.’
Noah had set his mind on requesting new footballs, tennis equipment and construction-style blocks.
Mrs Ford said that the Sports Commission supported the pupils throughout the school year in lessons, extra-curricular clubs and during the school holidays.
‘We are extremely grateful for the support from them during the holidays, enabling many of our children to attend their holiday clubs and support with transport to and from them,’ she said.
The GSC’s 2024 action plan has noted that it has been difficult to attract young people back to sports after the ‘legacy of lockdowns’ but that the same opportunities should be available to all.
‘We believe that everyone should have the support to participate, compete and fulfil their potential, no matter their background, age, or level of ability, in a safe and supportive environment,’ it stated.