Outgoing cabin crew member took job to cure fear of flying
A DESIRE to cure a fear of flying has ultimately led to one recently-departed Aurigny cabin crew member working in the skies for more than two decades.

Paula Jenkins celebrated 24 years as a flight attendant for the airline shortly before leaving her role earlier this month, with her colleagues arranging a water cannon salute at the airport in recognition of her achievement.
Ms Jenkins started her career in 1994 after being encouraged to do so by a friend in order to cure her flying phobia.
‘I really was scared of flying but I didn’t want this to hold me back, so when the chance came to apply for a cabin crew position I took it, and I’ve never looked back,’ she said.
She joined Aurigny in 2000, and in her time with the airline has seen huge changes take place within the aviation industry.
‘It’s been an eventful career and it’s changed a lot, especially with security,’ she said.
‘Also, I don’t think people realise how much safety training we have to go through.
‘It’s not just about serving tea and coffee.’
While she said that she would miss working for Aurigny, she was looking forward to the future, having retrained as a sobriety coach.
‘I stopped drinking years ago and now I want to help others who are struggling with alcohol, or those who are sober but finding it hard to live happily in a world where alcohol is everywhere.
‘But I will miss my colleagues a lot, I don’t know another job where at 6am you are having a real laugh.’
Aurigny cabin crew supervisor Max Redhead said Ms Jenkins had been an ‘extremely important and valued’ part of the team, and would be missed.
‘To clock up 24 years of service at the same company is something of a rarity nowadays and we are immensely grateful to Paula for her loyalty, hard work and of course sharing her personality with us, which has added so much joy to Aurigny our flights and of course our customers.
‘The water cannon salute is a very fitting tribute and mark of recognition for Paula’s service, and we wish her very well with the next exciting chapter in her life.’