WI is looking to name its new centre at Cobo
A NAME is being sought for the new Women’s Institute centre, which will shortly be opening at Cobo Community Centre.

Traditionally names for the centres would reflect the location it was in such as St Martin’s WI, or Sausmarez WI.
It currently has nine centres with 270 members in Guernsey.
Guernsey Federation chairwoman Corrina Walker said that women now wanted their WI name to be fun, to reflect its members, their interests and how they wanted to be perceived.
‘All WI’s are different and unique and their name should reflect this, so we have gone out to the public to come up with some ideas for this new group,’ she said.
Name suggestions have included Go Gueters, Cobo Chicks, Cobo Seagals, Cobo Cookies, Sunset Sisters and Cobo Alice.
‘We are really excited to be starting a new WI in Cobo as it will give a new group of women, who may have previously been unaware of the organisation, the opportunity to join.’
‘We have had lots of interest and look forward to welcoming women from all walks of life and interests to make new friends, have fun and try something new.’
Ms Walker said that any person who was feeling tentative could come along for free to try it out, without any obligation.
Each month the WI will do something different.
In October it plans to give everybody a flavour of the WI, including having a chat with other women, making a gift wallet and officially form the WI.
In November local jewellery maker Catherine Best will discuss her career and in December, members of the WI will be making a fresh foliage wreath.
It will cost members £24 for a six-month membership to the WI, with those wanting to join requested to email info.wiguernsey@gmail.com.
Likewise anybody who wishes to suggest a name for its newest centre can email the same address and include their name, with a bottle of champagne the prize.
The new centre will be open on 21 October from 7pm at Cobo Community Centre.
n Further information can be found at www.wiguernsey.co.uk