Guernsey Press

Swimmers receive trophies for swimarathon fundraising

KEEN swimmers have been recognised for their fundraising efforts during this year’s Skipton Swimarathon.

GSPCA manager Steve Byrne presents the Le Coin trophy for the 12/13 year old age group, most lengths swum, which was won by the Beau Sejour swim school Barracudas at the Skipton Swimarathon presentations at Beau Sejour. (Picture by John Ross Photography)

A presentation for the numerous groups and organisations that won trophies took place at Beau Sejour.

Trophies were awarded based on laps swum or money raised during the event.

Citizens Advice took the award for most funds raised by an organisation, totalling £2,360, while Karl Enticott’s £1,578 earned him the individual fundraiser award.

Skipton PR manager Julie Todd said Mr Enticott and his team at BBL All Stars deserved a special mention.

‘They support us each year and always raise a huge amount.’

In terms of most laps, Beau Sejour Swim School’s over-16 team broke the 100-lap barrier as they won the Le Lievres Cup with a total of 102.

Among the schools taking part, St Sampson’s High School won the Hambros/Milvus Trophy for most funds raised by an large school with £3,368.

Melrose raised the most funds for a junior school, with £2,282, while the Ladies' College under-16 team swam the most laps, totalling 91.

Other award winners included Mark Ingrouille of St Sampson’s High School, who won the Sir Charles Frossard Trophy for Outstanding Contribution, and Northern Trust, which raised £1,300 on its way to winning the Lloyds TSB Black Horse Cup in the finance sector category.

Cobo Sharks won the Quayside Trophy in the Families & Friends category, after raising £536, and the Barracudas from the Beau Sejour swim school won the Le Coin trophy for most lengths swum in the 12/13-year-old age group,

More than £65,000 has been raised from this year’s event, with the GSPCA the beneficiary.

The funds will be used to build a new pool house for the sea birds and seals the charity rescues each year.

‘This was the 15th year that Skipton has partnered with the Lions Club of Guernsey and Round Table to put on the event, and we are all thrilled with the £65,000 – and counting – figure raised this year,’ Mrs Todd said.

The swimarathon took place over five days earlier in October.

The date for next year’s Skipton Swimarathon is 8-12 October.