Record crowds attend Rugby Club’s annual fireworks
The Rugby Club’s annual fireworks went off with a bang, as fine weather attracted record crowds to the event.

In complete contrast to last year, when the event was cancelled in the aftermath of Storm Ciaran, Sunday night heralded clear skies and barely a puff of wind.
An estimated 4,000 people went through the gates at Footes Lane for the event.
‘I’m pretty sure the event is the busiest we have ever had,’ said organiser Chris Gnapp, who has been involved with the event for almost 15 years.
‘The weather is incredible and perfect for fireworks. The event raises valuable funds for the club, to support the first team right down to the academy.
‘I’d like to thank all the volunteers without who we could not put on the show.’

The 10-minute firework display, in time to rock classics such as Thunderstruck by AC/DC, cost around £4,000 to put on and had to be delayed for 20 minutes due to queues to get in and at refreshment stalls.
‘That’s £4,000 literally going up in smoke,’ said Mr Gnapp.
‘A big thank you to Standard Fireworks for helping us, and I hope everyone enjoyed the show.’
Among the attendees were the Hainsworth family. For five-year-old Annabelle this was her first fireworks event.
‘She might have been to one when she was very small,’ said dad Daniel.
‘But this is the first big one, and I have to say we have been really impressed.’
‘I’m super excited,’ said Annabelle.
‘I think they will be loud and there will be a rainbow of colours.’
Despite falling into the States air pollution window that allows bonfires two days either side of 5 November, the event did not include a bonfire due its location at Footes Lane, and concerns with damage to the playing surface.