St Martin’s to launch parishioners’ community plan
St Martin’s will be launching a community plan for parishioners to have their say on how their parish is developed.

Inspired by a similar exercise run in St Peter’s, St Martin’s will carry out the consultation exercise on the future of the parish, in the hope of it being adopted as guidance by the planning department.
The idea was proposed at the parish meeting, and despite some initial concerns and confusion, was backed by everyone in attendance.
‘What the planners want for the parish might be completely different to what parishioners want,’ said constable Jeff Wilkes-Green.
‘St Peter’s did this quite successfully and what we have here is an opportunity for people who live in the parish to say what they would like to see happen with the parish.
‘If we’re going to do this, we’ve got to start now and the planners will buy into it.’
Former politician Bernard Flouquet was confused about why the ratepayer must fund the project, when it could come under the remit of the planning department.
‘We are acting on your behalf to protect St Martin’s from becoming a "Hong Kong" of buildings with no green space available,’ said douzenier Cynthia Cormack.
‘It may cost money, but you want people who are interested in the parish, and the planning department took on board the outcomes of St Peter’s.’
With a timescale of 12 to 18 months, it should be developed as a planning review of the IDP takes place and this will give a greater chance of having some inter-relation, specifically with regards to social and affordable housing and greenfield sites.
The parish aims to complete it within 12 months to tie in with the general election of deputies in June 2025 and is hoping the plan will have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years.
Consultation alone will account for about five months, including early parish-wide ideas, presentations, results and then island-wide consultation by planners.
The content will include enlarging the area under consideration to the ‘whole parish’, including the local centre, particularly to capture brownfield sites beyond the local centre that may offer solutions.
The cost to the parish is estimated in the region of £20,000.
Also at the parish meeting, Daniel Rix, Carla Bauer and Jeff Wilkes-Green were appointed as douzeniers, Carla Bauer appointed constable and Michael Higgins and Lindsay de Sausmarez elected to the St Martin’s School Committee.