Online post about an alleged paedophile ring in island gets removed
A POST about an alleged paedophile ring operating in the island has been taken down from the Guernsey People Have Your Say Facebook group after becoming the most complained-about post in the history of the group, said one of its administrators.

The comment related to a claim that Guernsey Police were investigating some high-profile local men.
GPHYS has five active administrators including Horace Camp, who said that he was reluctant to remove posts from the group, and it had never been asked to take anything down.
‘One admin approved it, but we received several complaints from members,’ he said.
The group’s policy is that a post is removed only if a majority of its admins agree.
‘On this occasion the five had a group discussion and voted to remove it.
‘We thought it could potentially damage reputations,’ he said.
‘We take down very little and we’ve never taken anything down because we’ve been pressured by “the man”, but we do respond to members.
‘It was the most complained-about one we’ve had.’
Some messages circulating have named individuals, but the post on the Facebook group did not.
A statement by Guernsey Police, issued on Monday, denied rumours that officers were investigating a group alleged to have committed offences against children. They said that officers had contacted Facebook and X to report the posts relating the rumours.
UK-based writer Dr Rebecca Tidy posted on X about the allegations, without naming individuals, but her posts were still available yesterday evening.
‘I took legal advice before/after posting,’ she said.
‘Guernsey Police haven’t approached me and X haven’t suspended my account. From a criminal and civil law perspective, I feel 100% safe leaving it there.’