2025 summer schedule published by Brittany Ferries
A new Guernsey-only 2025 ferry schedule has been published with the high-speed Voyager and conventional Islander the only vessels set to operate regularly on Guernsey routes from next April.

The Condor/Brittany Ferries schedule for summer 2025, released today, will get Guernsey passengers into the UK in the afternoon on most days. But high-speed sailings to St Malo have been pushed back, arriving in France at just after 9pm most days.
It follows Guernsey’s decision to go it alone by appointing Condor Ferries’ parent company Brittany Ferries to operate lifeline routes for the next 15 years, while Jersey continues to run a new tender process.
‘Negotiations with Brittany Ferries on a Guernsey-only service have gone well and we are set to sign the contract on Tuesday,’ said Guernsey’s Economic Development president Deputy Neil Inder.
‘However, as the schedule is ready and agreed, we did not want to wait any longer than necessary before we and Brittany gave the community the certainty it needs and deserves.
‘The schedule secures both fast and conventional ferry travel with a dependable timetable, for which most sailings will not be subject to tidal variations, good frequency without any notable increase in cost. That is a success given a need to optimise for a Guernsey-only service.
‘We continue to leave the door open for Jersey should it choose Brittany Ferries and want to turn this into a service for both islands,’ said Deputy Inder.
The States of Guernsey said it will be granting a licence to Brittany Ferries together with permission to assign the licence to Condor Ferries.
Brittany Ferries is providing a full financial and operational guarantee over the services in the contract, the States confirmed.
Next summer’s timetable will see the Voyager operate St Malo-Guernsey-Poole-Guernsey-St Malo. The service will run daily during the school summer holidays and several days a week at other times.
The Islander will run a freight and passenger service between Guernsey and Portsmouth six days a week, with the Clipper providing resilience and operating back-up services on all routes.
Bookings can be made from 5pm on Tuesday 26th November.
More to follow.