Orange is future free from violence against women
Orange shoes were once again arranged on the Market Steps on Saturday as part of Guernsey Soroptimists’ annual days of activism against gender violence.

The group’s efforts are linked to the UN’s International Day of the Elimination of Violence against Women, which covers 16 days.
‘What we’re doing is giving out leaflets and some people stop to have a chat,’ said Sue Hollwey.
‘People remember it from last year,’ added Sarah Repton. ‘It’s just getting it into the forefront of their memories and helping to promote positive relationships.’
Orange was chosen because it is a bright and optimistic colour, and represents a future free from violence against women and girls.
The leaflets and information being handed out are also provided to schools by the Soroptimists, she said, and used in education on sexual health and relationships.
Alongside the leaflets were credit card sized-information cards showing the signs of a loving relationship, with ‘he loves me’, on one side, with ‘loves me not’ on the other.
All of the shoes are rejects from charity shops, and Mrs Hollwey said the idea was to make people think of ‘walking in someone else’s shoes’.
Elizabeth College is backing the campaign this year, with an orange flag flying over the 16 days of the UN campaign and Beau Sejour is turning orange for three days.
There is also information about the campaign on X, Facebook and Instagram.
The UN campaign started on 25 November and ends on 10 December, Human Rights Day.