Call for inquiry into handling of Alderney care home extension
A public inquiry has been called for in relation to alleged mismanagement of work to extend Alderney’s Connaught Care Home.

It came during last week’s meeting of the island’s States, during which members approved up to an additional £340,000 to be spent to complete the work.
States member Lin Maurice brought up the need for an inquiry.
‘This has been the worst headache we’ve ever had to deal with,’ she said.
Her comments were echoed by Boyd Kelly, who said that any inquiry needed to be a public one.
Later in the meeting Mrs Maurice, delivering her final update as chairwoman of the General Services Committee, confirmed that the extension to the home should be ready for occupation in the new year.
There was praise for the States’ head of operations James Robinson for his efforts in regard to the project, and during the meeting his appointment as States’ engineer was approved.
The Connaught Care Home has 27 bedrooms with 24-hour care, alongside 14 self-contained studio apartments, which can be used for both long-term and respite care.
The extension is adding another much-needed 13 new residential rooms and ancillary rooms.
The initial project was approved in March 2020, just before the Covid pandemic, at a cost of £1.29m. Eighteen months later another £737,000 was voted for the project after a combination of Brexit and Covid sent costs soaring.
The meeting also approved spending up to £270,000 on the purchase of an area of land at La Val Field which will be used for the building of an expansion to the island’s adult social services, including sheltered housing.
A change to the Alderney Property Tax law was supported, which members were told would enable Policy & Finance to exempt commercial grid-connected solar farms from the need to pay APT, should such applications be forthcoming.
Members also approved the staging of a by-election on Saturday 8 March next year to elect a replacement for Nigel Vooght.