Guernsey Press

First Christmas Day Parkrun attracts more than 100

MORE than 100 people headed to L’Ancresse Common for Guernsey’s first-ever Christmas Day Parkrun.

The first ever Christmas Day Parkrun attracted a good crowd of runners. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 33901060)

Every Saturday throughout the year people turn out for the free 5k run and this year Christmas Day was added to the schedule and proved to be a hit.

On average 150 people attend the weekly runs and run director Julie Twist said she was pleased to see similar numbers on Christmas morning.

‘I had always wanted to do a Christmas Day Parkrun and this year we weren’t cooking so decided it was time to do one,’ she said.

Mrs Twist said she would probably do the same again next year after seeing the response.

Nicola Sharp with her son Henry, who has done many Parkruns. (33901074)

She needed to find volunteer marshals to realise the ambition, and that also went well.

‘It was surprisingly easy to get volunteers for this morning’s run,’ she said. ‘In the end we had a lot of people come forward.’

A lot of the runners dressed up in festive outfits and fancy dress for the inaugural Christmas Day Parkrun.

Nicola Sharp was walking the course, all while holding her son Harry.

‘He did his first Parkrun at five weeks old,’ she said.

‘This is now his 49th.’