Citizens Advice completes relocation to Grow Ltd
Citizens Advice Guernsey has completed its office relocation to the headquarters of fellow charity Grow Ltd.

‘It went excellently, very smoothly. We were very lucky,’ said chief executive officer Ali Marquis.
Some of the team at Citizens Advice have been part of the charity for 23 years, while the service was based at the Bridge, so this was a big move for them, she said.
But the team has welcomed its new base at Grow, which has on-site parking and has a lift to make it accessible for all clients.
The Grow Training Cafe and retail shop The Crafty Frog offer clients a bite to eat and a spot of shopping while visiting Citizens Advice.
‘Many have said they find it more central,’ said Mrs Marquis.
The charity has settled into the new office alongside a new computer system called Casebook, which volunteers were trained to use while the office was closed over the Christmas period.
‘We can make appointments for clients to come in, minimising wait times,’ said Mrs Marquis.
Surrounded by other charities within the hub, Citizens Advice Guernsey now works to collaborate with these charities, share knowledge and help one another.
‘We’re fully unpacked and functional now, up and running,’ said Mrs Marquis.
With the new computer system and new office location it feels like a brand new start for Citizens Advice Guernsey, she said.
‘I’m really excited, it’s brilliant,’ added Mrs Marquis.
The charity is preparing for an official open day at the end of March and the arrival of Citizens Advice UK’s chief executive, Dame Clare Moriarty, in Guernsey for the first time.