Eyes peeled for the Big Garden Birdwatch
Islanders are being asked to pull out their binoculars for the Big Garden Birdwatch this weekend.

Thousands of people across the UK and the Channel Islands are expected to get involved and count birds.
Last year across the Channel Islands more than 500 people took part. The the first garden birdwatch took place in 1979.
Guernsey RSPB membership secretary Ian Le Page is once again taking part this year in an event he has been involved with for around 10 years.
‘I record everything I see in the garden anyway,’ he said.
He added that it is important to keep track of the population of birds on the island – both of the species and the numbers.
‘I’m hopeful that a female blackcap will come by the weekend,’ said Mr Le Page.
Guernsey RSPB committee secretary Jean Brown will also be taking part in this year’s annual garden birdwatch. She has been a keen birdwatcher for around 20 years.
‘I’ve taken part in the birdwatch since I started birding, which is 20 years – every year,’ she said.
Guernsey has lost many birds over the years, including 60% of its sparrow population.
‘All the data we can collect, the RSPB can use to find out exactly what’s going on,’ said Mrs Brown.
‘I’m passionate about this, I love the birds, and I love the environment.
The birdwatch starts today and continues until Sunday.
People taking part throughout the Channel Islands are asked to spend one hour over the three days watching and counting the birds that land in their garden.
Results will then need to be sent to the RSPB.