‘Disrespected’ civil servants say no to States’ 5% pay offer
Civil servants have rejected the States’ 5% pay offer for 2025.

The executive committee of the Association of Guernsey Civil Servants confirmed last night that the deal had been turned down.
It said its move was ‘unprecedented’ and was the first rejection of a pay offer at a ballot stage seen for more than 20 years.
‘The rejection of the pay offer is the only tangible means by which members can express their concerns about being undervalued and under-appreciated – concerns that have been growing year on year,’ it said.
Deputy John Gollop, leading negotiations for the States, said he was ‘naturally disappointed’ at the news and was considering the next move in negotiations.
‘We firmly believe that a 5% pay increase is a fair offer, especially in the current financial climate,’ he said.
The union spoke of ‘increasing challenges faced by public sector workers’.
It said that the pay of established staff had not kept up with inflation over the past 15 years, and they were finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet.
The union held its AGM this week and said it was clear that reasons for rejection were varied, though they also included unhappiness about a single-year pay award.
‘This decision by members comes at a time of much wider discontent among public sector workers, borne out of a combination of more complex and ever-increasing workloads, without the investment in resources, skills and technology to support staff to successfully deliver.
‘The States is asking its workers to do more, with less – and despite their efforts to maintain services at an acceptable standard, all too often civil servants in particular are being unfairly and very publicly criticised and disrespected for their efforts.
‘This has seriously affected wellbeing and morale and is inexcusable.’
The union said it recognised that the Policy & Resources Committee had been openly supportive of the civil service, but it now needed to show that support by getting back around the negotiating table.
The AGCS, a branch of the union Prospect, described the pay offer as being below inflation.
Public sector pay is now assessed in line with the inflation figure from the June quarter, which stood at 5.3%.
But the rate of inflation is declining steadily, and the latest figure, from December, was 4.6%. UK public sector pay offers have started to take the developing picture of inflation into account rather than be linked to a historical figure.
Nurses and most health staff have already accepted the 5% pay offer, but others have not yet balloted or want to continue negotiations.