Guernsey Press

Local boxing club does ‘Push-Ups for Parkinson’s’

The Guernsey Amalgamated Boxing Club will be joining others in the UK with a Push-Ups for Parkinson’s event tomorrow.

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Mandy Hobart, right, from Guernsey Amalgamated Boxing Club has organised a fundraiser for Parkinson’s Guernsey tomorrow, where a group of people will try between them to complete 1,000 push-ups in two hours. Shaun Bennett is pictured doing a push-up with, left to right, Chris Betley, Sue Whitlock, Theresa Brennan, Sue Henney and Carol Scowen. (Picture by Sophie Rabey, 34024859)

After a UK boxing coach was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, clubs across the UK have been getting involved with a initiative called pushups4parkinson’s for the last two years.

UK boxing clubs have partnered with Parkinson’s UK to do boxing sessions.

Guernsey Amalgamated Boxing Club has decided to get behind the movement and put on a fundraising event of its own supporting Guernsey Parkinson’s.

‘We thought we’d come together and do this event,’ said boxing development officer Mandy Hobart.

For the first Guernsey Push-Ups for Parkinson’s, islanders of all ages and abilities are invited to join in and do as many push-ups as they can in five minutes.

The club is aiming to reach 1,000 throughout the day.

‘We’ve never done it before so we might smash that, but we don’t know,’ said Mrs Hobart. Islanders are invited to get involved too donating however much they want.

‘We have a Go Fund Me page to make a donation and will have bucket collections on the day,’ said Mrs Hobart.

The club will be doing refreshments including tea, coffee, cake and sausage rolls and there will be competitions for certain age groups. ‘We’re very much looking forward to it,’ said Mrs Hobart.

The Amalgamated Boxing Club got involved with Guernsey Parkinson’s six months ago and now offers one-hour boxing sessions twice a month to the charity.

If the event goes well the club will look to make it an annual community event.

The challenge takes place tomorrow from 10am to noon at the Amalgamated Boxing Club on Route des Coutures in St Martin’s.

  • Donate to the event here.