Guernsey Press

States defends 2002 deal to buy Fermain Beach Cafe

The States has defended itself over the deal when it bought Fermain Beach Cafe nearly a quarter of a century ago.

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The building and land was bought for £70,000 in 2002 from the family which ran ferries between Fermain and Town for decades. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 34060043)

The building and land was bought for £70,000 in 2002 from the family which ran ferries between Fermain and Town for decades.

‘At the time of the purchase, the premises had been closed for some time. Records indicate that the States made an offer to purchase the kiosk and land in order to restore the facilities and improve the amenities in the area,’ said Policy & Resources, in reply to a recent freedom of information request.

The building and land were not advertised at the time of the sale, and the States said it had no record of a valuation being carried out.

But the senior committee insisted that its investigations into the conveyance for the sale had turned up nothing of concern.

‘There is nothing in the files held by the States to indicate any conflict of interest in the purchase transaction,’ said P&R.

‘It would be useful for a vendor to take any necessary advice prior to a sale and to be legally represented for the sale.

‘The States’ offer of £70,000 – made with the approval of the Advisory & Finance Committee – was accepted by the vendor’s representative.’

The States’ tenants for the past 20 years, Belmiro and Manuela de Freitas, are fighting an eviction notice, and P&R is facing questions about how it put the lease out to tender last year.

A petition was signed by nearly 3,000 people in support of the couple remaining at the cafe, but the tender was awarded to Pearl Oyster Ltd, owner of Coco on South Esplanade.