Man fined £750 for racial abuse
Racially abusing another man at the Ex-Serviceman’s Club in Victoria Road, St Peter Port, cost a man £750 when he appeared in the Magistrate’s Court.

Andrew Hubert, 43, of La Vielle Marais, Vale, admitted behaving in a disorderly manner.
Judge Gary Perry said that lives of ethnic groups were made much harder for them when they had to read about idiots like the defendant using this sort of language.
The court heard how the incident happened during an afternoon. The victim was playing snooker and had left a cue on the neighbouring table which still had the cover on. The defendant attempted to remove the table’s cover without touching the cue and the victim feared it would fall to the floor. A verbal exchange took place in which the defendant made a racist remark.
The victim went outside as he felt uncomfortable and said the defendant had offered him £100 to forget about the matter. The victim would not accept the money and reported the incident to the club committee before the police became involved.
Defending, Advocate David Domaille said his client denied offering the other man £100. He said that he had been bullied by the other man for years and had been very drunk at the time. He had written a letter of apology to the court.
Judge Perry said this type of abuse, whether racial or sexual, would not be tolerated in Guernsey, and imposed a fine of £750.