Guernsey Press

A ferry to and from St Malo is 10% cheaper than Jersey route

Tickets for Guernsey-St Malo services are more than 10% cheaper than the equivalent ticket from Jersey, Guernsey Press research has uncovered.

Last updated
While the average St Malo journey with Brittany Ferries, to and from Guernsey, is £131.50, the average for the same trip from Jersey is £152.69. (34091158)

Last month the Press looked at prices of the rival ferry companies from the islands to the UK and found Jersey customers were paying an average of £50 more.

The Press has now looked at 20 journeys on random dates across the summer – 10 from one of the Channel Islands to St Malo and 10 returns, each time comparing the cost of two adult passengers, plus a car.

While the average journey with Brittany Ferries, to and from Guernsey, was £131.50, the average for the same trip from Jersey was £152.69.

The more than £20 price difference included a 10% ‘introductory discount’ on the DFDS voyages that its website says finishes on 27 March.

Without this, the average trip to and from Jersey would have increased to £167.96 – almost 22% higher than a journey from Guernsey.

This is despite Jersey being 23 miles closer to the French Port – just over 37 miles away, compared to a 60-mile trip from Guernsey.

Brittany Ferries declined to comment on the price comparison data, but DFDS defended its position as Jersey’s chosen ferry operator, and said it had introduced services that delivered greater flexibility and capacity for travel to and from the island.

Jersey route director Chris Parker said that following comparison of certain sailing costs, DFDS had emphasised the increased value the ferry operator will deliver to the island as part of a long-term investment strategy, something which remained absent in Guernsey.

‘While we appreciate people are naturally going to view our route prices against those of our predecessor, comparing travel for specific periods of the year is not going to give an accurate reflection of travel options nor value to all parties.

‘We have worked incredibly hard to provide a timetable that gives connectivity and flexibility to both island travellers and visitors, and one that can allow ample time for onward travel from St Malo without the need to incur the additional expense of a hotel.’

He added that DFDS was committed to increasing capacity for travellers and had introduced more frequent departures to and from the island.

‘Overall there are 155 more sailings between Jersey and St Malo than between Guernsey and St Malo,’ he said.

DFDS said its timetable from Jersey to St Malo provided travellers with a variety of choices for departure times to facilitate flexible travel on its vessel, Tarifa Jet, as well as options for day trips, which were not currently available from Guernsey.

‘We have worked with stakeholders in Jersey to refine schedules to support freight, tourism and islander travel, including inter-island connections,’ said Mr Parker.

‘To that effect we are working hard with partners and government authorities to shortly announce our inter-island service.’