Eisteddfod stalwart stepping down after 15 years in role
Speech and drama coordinator at the Eisteddfod Shaun Winterflood will be running the section for his last time next week.

Mr Winterflood has managed dozens of classes in the section for the past 15 years and but has now decided to step down.
‘It’s been lovely because the entries have soared since I’ve taken over,’ he said.
‘But it’s time, and it’s nice to be able to hand it on to somebody younger, who will be shadowing me this year.’
Mr Winterflood will be handing over the role to sub-committee member Ethan Hitchon.
Over the last 50 years, the speech and drama section has grown and developed to the level where 300-400 people, aged from four to 90 years old, now take part.
‘When I first started, I ran my own drama school as well, so I was in charge as well as getting all my pupils involved,’ said Mr Winterflood.
‘Anybody and anyone could take part as far as I was concerned. I think it’s all about inclusivity – you just encompass it all and do your best for them.’
Mr Winterflood said his drama school Swats was an all inclusive school and he would get children with special educational needs, as well as adults from his older classes, involved with the Eisteddfod.
‘The main thing about the Eisteddfod is getting people up on the stage and getting them to gain confidence,’ he said
‘When you see children growing in confidence as the years go by – even adults as well – that’s the rewarding part of it.’
Though stepping down as the main coordinator for the section, he plans to carry on choosing the poetry for the children’s set poems and organising the syllabus for that.
‘I love doing that,’ he said.
‘And the adjudicators keep saying that I’m very good at it, so the chairman said I have to keep going.’
Mr Winterflood said he would also be excited to enter as a contestant again next year.
‘I’ve done it since the age of six and used to take part all the time.’
It would be his first time entering in about eight years, since taking a break while running things.
‘I’ve had some good results and some not so good results,’ he said.
‘But it’s given me a lot of joy.’