Guernsey Press

Vale is to reconsider paying for books bought by schools

Vale ratepayers are to reconsider paying for books purchased by schools attended by the parish’s children.

Last updated
Vale Senior Constable Richard Leale. (Picture by Sophie Rabey, 34108228)

A sum of £5,000 for school libraries was approved at last week’s parish meeting, but it emerged that parish officials had discussed scrapping this funding before proposing that it should continue.

‘I wanted to remove it, but the douzaine was not in favour. It is something that you as ratepayers could ask to be removed,’ said senior constable Richard Leale.

He said he believed it was right at least to question the annual payment, which has remained unchanged for many years.

But a show of hands among about 40 ratepayers present indicated that a large majority not only favoured the parish continuing to fund books in school libraries but wanted to see the sum increased.

‘I was very disappointed when I found out that the Vale was considering removing the funding for schools,’ said Mary Lowe.

‘From my experience sitting on three school management committees, I can assure you that the money is used to buy books, and the funds provided by the parish are important and always welcomed by the schools.’

Some parishioners wanted more detail about how the funds were spent. Douzenier Richard Digard proposed that parish officials should return to the next ratepayers meeting in November, with more information about the history of paying for books, how the payments are administered and what they are achieving in schools.

Mr Leale agreed that would allow an informed discussion in November, which could lead to revised proposals being put before the spring 2026 meeting.