Breakwater concerns are raised
CONCERNS were expressed at Alderney's January people's meeting over the durability of the breakwater, and whether Guernsey was fully meeting its obligation to ensure its future.

At the second part of the meeting, the public question and answer session, resident Bill Abel asked about the risk of it failing, adding that the local rumour was that it was 'not looking good'.
Responsibility for the upkeep of the Victorian-built breakwater fell to Guernsey in 1987 as part of the Bailiwick's contribution to UK defence.
Policy and Finance chairman Francis Simonet replied that there was no current engineer's report detailing the state of the lowest parts of the breakwater, adding that when responsibility for the breakwater was passed to Guernsey it was considered that the underwater foundation 'would continue to erode'.
'Maintenance work is being done on its superstructure, but not on the mound it is built on. The mound it is built on loses rock every year and that is not being replenished – and I don't think Guernsey has any interest in doing that,' he said.