Complaints received over noisy skate park
RELOCATING Alderney's new skate park will be one of the more drastic measures considered to combat noise nuisance from the area.

The General Services Committee has received several complaints from nearby residents about the sound of skateboards on the park surface, 'drumming' from the stainless steel frame and from the chatter of youngsters using it.
States Engineer Bruce Adams will present members with several options. They include lining the interior of the metal frames with a foam coating to help muffle the drumming and erecting acoustic fencing around the park. But they may not solve the problem entirely.
'Coating the inside of the boxes with some sort of foam material would help with the drumming sound, but it won't take away the noise of the board on the wooden surface or the noise from people,' said Mr Adams.
'Accoustic fencing could help reduce the noise laterally.'
A more radical option was dismantling the park and putting it somewhere else.
But moving it, he said, carried the accompanying headache of where to relocate it.