Airport fuel concerns aired at public meeting
CONCERNS over the continuing availability of fuel at Alderney Airport were expressed at the January people's meeting.

Guernsey Airport, which operates Alderney Airport, last month invited expressions of interest from suppliers of Avgas and Jet A1 fuel that might be prepared to take over the supply of fuel at Alderney Airport from April 2016.
Alderney Electricity has operated the fuel supply at the airport since 2006, when it took over from a private enterprise. But the company has frequently expressed a wish to jettison the service due to lack of profit making.
Mike O'Gorman, one of around 30 residents who attended the meeting at the Island Hall, was worried that the States of Alderney was not doing enough to secure the future of aviation fuel availability.
Rees Bryant, an AEL shareholder, wondered who might be interested in taking on such a concession due to its low profitability.