Alderney looking to attract UK's birdwatchers
ALDERNEY'S new Bird Observatory warden thinks the island could become a Mecca for UK birdwatchers and has been 'astounded' by the number of birds seen on the island.

John Horton, pictured, moved to Alderney from Kent with his partner, Cathy, to work for two years on achieving prestigious Bird Observatory status. He spent the last 15 years working as a police officer, specialising in wildlife crimes.
There are around 20 bird observatories around the coast of Great Britain and Alderney's would be the most southerly and the only one in the Channel Islands.
The observatories are centres for monitoring and studying the migration of birds and usually provide accommodation for birdwatchers.
Mr Horton, who has been a keen birdwatcher and visitor of bird observatories since his childhood, thinks Alderney could be among the top three or four of such birding 'hubs' in the British Isles.