Guernsey Press

Flying the Herm flag as we Race for Life

A TEAM of girls from Herm took part in last week's Race For Life.


A TEAM of girls from Herm took part in last week's Race For Life.

Making the trip to Guernsey means catching the early Sunday morning boat, so we are always among the first up to Footes Lane to wait for the event to start.

It is always nice to see the big, empty green field gradually filling up with pink as everyone arrives through the morning.

My daughter Eden and I joined Kirsten Parker George and her daughter, Maya, to fly the Herm flag this year. Both families have taken part in the event for several years and it is a day we always enjoy.

Maya, 11, is a Blanchelande pupil and Eden, nine, is at the Herm school.

Although for all of us Sundays generally mean a peaceful walk around Herm, once a year it is lovely to pick up the pace and join the other runners for this excellent cause.

And Island FM's Richard Harding entertainingly joining us for the warm-up is always one of the most fun parts of the day.

One of the best things about Race For Life is that you are able to go at your own pace. Kirsten and Maya always fly around the course in no time at all, whereas Eden and I prefer to enjoy the walk and generally finish in just under an hour.

Race For Life was this year won by the amazing Eliza Mason, who, at only 10 years old, is already a veteran of these events. Eliza always does brilliantly in the Herm Run, last year winning the Under-12 Girls' trophy for the third time.

This talent clearly runs in the family, with oldest brother George being the overall Herm winner on two occasions, and brother Edward also being a strong contender and being the first under-16 boy.

This year's Herm Run is on Saturday 11 August. Anyone is welcome to turn up on the day and have a go.

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