A trick not missed
HALLOWEEN came a little late to Herm this year. With only a limited number of children on the island, it's important to involve as many as possible in fun events like this, especially ones involving sweets.

HALLOWEEN came a little late to Herm this year. With only a limited number of children on the island, it's important to involve as many as possible in fun events like this, especially ones involving sweets.
So after the bad weather and before the bonfires, we managed to get them all in the same place at the same time for some trick or treating.
Winter in Herm is filled with atmospheric evenings and moody skies. Wild winds and tall trees combine to make spooky rustlings in the night, while shadows creep in the corners like disembodied spirits.
There is no better setting for all our little vampires and zombies to roam by torchlight on the hunt for sugar.
One of the beauties of the community is that children of all ages are happy to socialise. From the littlest to the biggest, everyone got into the spirit of the occasion and went away filled with excitement and chocolate.
Bonfire night marks our last big event before Christmas. The self-catering cottages are usually full and the hotel rooms are sold on a bed and breakfast basis, with meals at the Mermaid.
Guests all let their competitive side blossom with the build-a-guy competition. The Mermaid Tavern was filled with interesting creatures of all shapes and sizes. So much time and effort is put into these creations, it seems a shame to judge them and then ceremoniously burn them. But burn them we did, along with a large number of fireworks.
The display from the Mermaid campsite was beautiful against the winter sea. Add a backdrop of Guernsey and its own little distant displays colouring the skies and the evening was a bright spot in a grey November week.