The calm before the storm...
JUST before the recent storm hit Herm, flattening daffodils and knocking over trees, residents were full of thoughts of spring and preparing for the coming summer.

UST before the recent storm hit Herm, flattening daffodils and knocking over trees, residents were full of thoughts of spring and preparing for the coming summer.
In the days before the blizzard, islanders got together in Seagull field to assist the gardeners in planting willow whips.
The field is adjacent to Seagull Campsite and, being situated at the front of the island, can be open to the elements. The rows of willow form a barrier against the bad weather and help dry out the ground for campers.
'The willow will hopefully root quickly in the boggy part of the field, as there were puddles here in the summer after all the rain we had and the water hasn't been able to drain away,' said assistant gardener Roseanne Wheeler. 'We hope that the whips will soak some of it up and in years to come we can use them to cut more whips and plant more willow, or use them for firewood.'
Lots of residents turned out to help in the cold and windy field. Community events like this help get through the work very quickly and are a good excuse for a Sunday morning get-together.
A similar project was carried out last year and has proved a good source of materials for this year's planting.
'All the whips this year came from willow hedges by the High 5 garden and farm area,' said Roseanne. 'Hopefully they haven't all blown away in the storm...'