Annual Herm run was a Flying Christine fundraiser
AS WELL as an enjoyable foray around the island, the Herm Run is very much a family affair, with more and more runners challenging parents and siblings in a race to the finish line.

AS WELL as an enjoyable foray around the island, the Herm Run is very much a family affair, with more and more runners challenging parents and siblings in a race to the finish line.
The run is a charity event, raising money for the Flying Christine ambulance boat.
Previous winner George Mason made a confident start at the head of the pack, which he maintained the whole way round, crossing the finish line well ahead of his competitors.
Seventeen-year-old George won the run for the first time at just thirteen, and won it again two years later. This year his winning time was 17.01, his best yet, and easily making him head of the 'male visitor' category.
George beat off competition from his sister Eliza, 22.01, first under 12 girl, who has also done well in previous years, and parents Matt, 22.21 and Ali, 28.13.
The first female visitor was Louise Perrio, doing it for the girls in 18.29, and coming third overall.
The first male resident was Richard Bailey, with a time of 19.44. Richard was racing mum Lesley, 24.41, first female resident, who organises the run each year. Richard's brother Jonathan and dad Andrew have won trophies in previous years, with Jonathan being the overall winner on several occasions.
The first under 12 boy was Oscar Bell, 22.42, under 16 boy was Joe Yeaman, 19.31, and under 16 girl was Indie Gallagher, 20.27.
The youngest competitor, five-year-old Harry Moore, ran the course with his dad Brett. It was Harry's second time taking part in the run. He completed the race in 38.04, beating last year's time of 42.03.
Several other families took part together, proving that the event really is fun for all ages, from the serious runners who chase the trophies, down to the relaxed joggers who just want to see the island and maybe enjoy a well-deserved ice cream at the end.