Keep Herm Tidy campaign aimed at young visitors
HERM has been running a Keep Herm Tidy poster campaign to entice its younger visitors to get involved in litter disposal.

During the summer months, residents and staff have to be extra-vigilant when it comes to keeping the island litter-free.
Huge numbers of visitors to the island means huge amounts of litter and not all of it makes it into the bins.
For the past few months, visiting children have been asked to design a poster reminding the public to dispose of their waste responsibly.
The posters (pictured) are laminated and displayed at various points around the island and cover a variety of subjects from general rubbish to recycling and cigarette butts.
There are rubbish and recycling bins placed at frequent intervals around the island but some people do not feel the need to use them. A large amount of the rubbish that is left behind ends up on the beaches.
Frequent litter picks are needed to keep the island clean and Shell Beach and Belvoir Bay at their beautiful best.
The island school children have adopted Belvoir and take it very personally when visitors are disrespectful towards their island home.
They often do litter picks and are amazed at the amount of lolly sticks, sweet wrappers and cigarette butts that people feel happy to leave lying around.
The thinking is that getting children involved in a campaign such as this will make them consider littering in general, bringing a greater awareness of the impact it has on the community, wildlife and on the environment, and possibly in the future the problem may be lessened.