Former residents visit Herm for reunion
A GROUP of Herm ex-residents, all of whom lived and worked on the island during the 1970s, recently revisited for a reunion.

The group of 23, including children, grandchildren and other family members, stayed in the Manor Village holiday cottages, practically next door to where they raised and schooled their own children.
The Murray family arranged the reunion. Graham and Sheila lived on the island during the late 1970s and early 1980s with their children Gareth and Kerry. Graham was the head chef at the White House Hotel and Sheila cleaned the holiday cottages, having only five to look after back then.
Graham had the opportunity to meet current head chef Karl Ginniver. Doing the same job 40 years apart, they were both interested to learn what had changed in that time. They also discovered that they have a lot in common. Both are from Bolton in Lancashire and Karl now lives in Graham and Sheila's former home on Herm.
During the past winter, the hotel kitchen has had a total revamp and upgrade, with a new floor and new equipment. Graham was pleased to see that the basic set-up was the same and that the staff areas and canteen had not changed at all over the decades.