Electricity price control commissioner idea branded 'sledgehammer to crack a nut'
SARK'S electricity prices could be scrutinised and controlled by its own government under plans to introduce a price control commissioner.

The idea is facing early scrutiny within the community, described as a 'sledgehammer to crack a nut', as public consultation is launched on the necessary new law and posts.
The idea is being led by Chief Pleas' 'Sustainable, Reasonably Priced Electricity' policy development team and would see the creation of the office of Sark electricity price control commissioner, with powers to investigate prices.
This latest moves follows a breakdown in negotiations between Chief Pleas and privately-owned Sark Electricity over the sale of the company.
People can send their Comments can be sent to: Sustainable, Reasonably Priced Electricity PDT Committee Office, Chasse Marette, Sark, GY10 1SF.
Alternatively email pdt.sustainable.electricity@gov.sark.gg.