Guernsey Press

Data protection website launched to offer advice on EU regulation

A WEBSITE offering advice to businesses on how to deal with the EU's new General Data Protection Regulation has been launched today by the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner, exactly a year before the regulations go live.


The island's Data Protection Commissioner was pleased that the business community was engaging on the issue.

'With one year to go, I'm delighted that industry is talking about GDPR.

'I've spoken at dozens and dozens of briefings, seminars and other events over the past few months and am pleased to say that GDPR is certainly on the radar of the businesses I have spoken with – awareness is far greater than it was even six months ago,' said Emma Martins.

'With 365 days to go, we have launched a microsite which will become a useful portal for businesses looking for guidance. I urge islanders to keep an eye on this as we will be uploading information as it becomes available. I also want to give reassurance to businesses that GDPR is not a revolution, it's an evolution of current data legislation – so if you're compliant currently, you have a great base from which to work.'

Local laws are currently being drawn up and Guernsey and Jersey States have committed to a harmonised approach. Mrs Martins said that once the laws had been finalised, more-detailed guidance could be drawn up.

The new local website is

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